Some things
from the zine denser #1, 2006
Bolivarian grey titi monkey
Three Girls by Amrita Sher-Gil
New York Movie by Edward Hopper
by Jeanie Tomanek
Beautiful Time by Roman Suhanov
By Candlelight by Konrad Krzyżanowski, 1914
Camille Renversade
Luz de una tarde de tormenta by Tomás Sánchez
I love butches by Pat Califa
The Cosmic Egg by Peter Fich Christiansen
Bridge of Glory by Nicholas Roerich
Shrine by Aron Wiesenfeld
Armando Morales
Die blaue Grotte by Carl Friedrich Seiffert
Bryan Christie
Apparition at the Terminus by Holly Warburton
The Reluctant Bride, 1866 by Auguste Toulmouche
"Masque de Greta Garbo aux cils", 1930 by Pablo Gargallo
Танцы. 1963. Якобсон Александра Николаевна (1903-1966)
Young woman with an oil lamp by Wolfgang Heimbach
Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth
Millefleur 9x12
Sur Notre Chemin Ensemble, Johfra
Azur by Toshiyuki Enoki
Persephone's Dream by Catherine Hyde